First post on this blog and really an explanation. I’m sure the question is why do you have this blog? Very simple reason really. There is almost no information on the field of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology on the internet. I am hoping to document and basically write about what my experiences are from before starting residency and possibly shed some light on this almost “non existent” specialty. Currently I am a dentist. I practice in a very successful and very fast paced office. Dealing mainly with adults in a very technologically advanced and highly cosmetic driven practice. The money is good but my passion just is not really here. Several months ago I decided to look into specialties. Out of the available specialties, really only two interested me, Orthodontics and Radiology. Thus began the journey of what I should consider entering.
Radiology has always been my number one choice between the two and I have always had an interest in it. Ortho turns out wasn’t really for me. I shadowed in a private practice for a year, and while I enjoyed it much more than general dentistry, I decided that if I am going to spend time and money for a specialty I might as well enter one where I really want to be. I pulled up Google and began searching and trying to do my research. Turns out there is almost no information or Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology. Medical Radiology has a ton of information, but OMFR almost none. I needed to know career prospects, lifestyle, training, the basic stuff that everyone tries to find out prior to committing a whole lot of money and time into a specialty. Next thing to do was to call and email some OMFR specialists and talk with them frankly about what I am looking for and what their experience has been. Needless to say that after a few conversations I have decided that this will in fact be what I want to do.