Boards Round 2

It is that time again.  The boards are less than two months away and it is time for me to start getting nervous.  It is also time to slow down everything going on in my life and concentrate on that task ahead.  The boards are the last step in my career.  I am looking forward… Continue reading Boards Round 2

OsiriX Dental Plugin

If you are a Mac user and an OMR then you’ve probably tried to use OsiriX before to look at CBCT scans.  You’ve also probably noticed that it is missing some basic features that are really necessary for OMR and the dental field all together.  I’m pleased to find a new plugin has emerged for OsiriX that… Continue reading OsiriX Dental Plugin

CBCT Liability

It has come to my attention, from several colleagues and general dentists, that CBCT sales reps are telling dentists that if they have the patient sign a form stating that the dentist is only looking at dental structures then they are not responsible for the whole scan.  This information is absolutely WRONG. The truth of… Continue reading CBCT Liability

Almost There…

So last time I posted, I had a checklist. Finish my Master’s thesis… almost there. Complete Part 2 of the radiology boards, hopefully this time next year I will have my diplomate status with AAOMR. Find work.  This is where things get tough.  As it is right now, there are simply no opportunities out there… Continue reading Almost There…

Getting Close to the End

So sometime within the next few months I will be wrapping up my residency all together and what a ride has it been.  There are really three major steps left in my career as a radiologist. Finish my Master’s thesis… almost there. Complete Part 2 of the radiology boards, hopefully this time next year I… Continue reading Getting Close to the End

Part 1 Boards

I passed, and what a relief it is.  To find out also on New Year’s Eve! Coincidence?  Does it really take three months to grade an exam?  In any case step 1 is done.  In a few months I will prepare for the second half and hopefully report some good news there as well.  In… Continue reading Part 1 Boards

Board Certification: Part 1

In three days I will be in the middle of the first part of the ABOMR examination.  It allows me to become a board certified (as opposed to just certified) oral and maxillofacial radiologist.  To become board certified, the examination is really split into two parts.  First part is the written examination, which covers radiation… Continue reading Board Certification: Part 1